Scholars' taking notes from the Novel study board
about 5 years ago, Leslie Bryant
3rd grade, contributing notes for the word wall's novel study
4th grade is working hard to show what they know as they take a test on the chromebooks.
about 5 years ago, Christa Hahn
Edward in 4-1 is working hard on his test.
Natalie is using her graphic organizer to prepare her writing piece.
Reminder - tomorrow is Report Card Day! This will be a Half Day with No After School program.
about 5 years ago, Wendy Milanese
Report Card Day schedule reminder
Save the Date for our annual 5K/Fun Family Walk and Health Fair. This year the event takes place on Saturday, April 4, 2020. You don't want to miss this fun event! Let's all Spring into Health! Registration details coming soon.
about 5 years ago, Wendy Milanese
2020 5K Save the Date flyer
Camden Academy Charter High School Stock Market Team won 1st place (out of approximately 480 teams) in the Southern Regional High School Stock Market Challenge!! Our team ranked 9th out of 1850 New Jersey teams!! They will travel to NYC in May for the awards ceremony. Congratulations to our team and Mr. Maro! Job well done!
about 5 years ago, Wendy Milanese
CACHS Stock Market Team
Happy New Year! Please be sure and share within your community that our new student application closes on January 14, 2020 with early decisions known on January 15, 2020 at our Lottery Drawing event.
about 5 years ago, Wendy Milanese
Happy New Year! Please be sure and share within your community that our new student application closes on January 14, 2020 with early decisions known on January 15, 2020 at our Lottery Drawing event.
K-1 won a pizza party for collecting the most cans during Pride's canned food drive!
about 5 years ago, Breanne Pompei
K-1 Pizza Party
Due to the weather forecast, AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM will CLOSE EARLY tonight at 5:00pm. All ASP students MUST be picked up by 5:00pm. Thank you!
about 5 years ago, Christa Hahn
Wednesday is a HALF-DAY! Dismissal begins at 12:15. Happy Thanksgiving! We look forward to a wonderful break, full of family and friends. Miercoles es Medio Dia!
about 5 years ago, Christa Hahn
1st Grade Field Trip to The Please Touch Museum
about 5 years ago, Brigid Murray
Playing at The Please Touch Museum
Painting Flowers
Waiting for the Carousel
Blasting off into space!
More Field Trip Fun
over 5 years ago, Brigid Murray
Launching Space Ships
Exploring the world of Eric Carle
Creating a Beautiful Butterfly
Eric Carle Inspired Butterflies
Asking Questions
over 5 years ago, Kate Cassidy
We are learning how to ask questions in first grade and we “mustache” you a question!
4th Grade Field Trip to Grounds for Sculpture!
over 5 years ago, Erin Rambo
1st grade friendship bracelets
over 5 years ago, Robert Kelleher
Happy Graduation Day!! Yesterday, Monday, June 3rd, 2019 was Camden Academy Charter High School’s 15th annual commencement exercise. 🎓👍 Congratulations to all the graduates and families celebrating this awesome achievement! May you always keep learning and growing! #WeAreCharter #WeGoToCollege #WeChangeTheWorld
over 5 years ago, Apptegy Admin
Many neighbors in the Cramer Hill section of the city enjoy garden fresh produce throughout the summer thanks to the Community Garden created by the students from Camden’s Pride Charter Elementary School. SNJ Today #Camden #Garden Campbell’s NJ Tree Foundation
over 5 years ago, Apptegy Admin