Curriculum Overview
The curriculum at Camden's Pride Charter Elementary School is anchored by the New Jersey Student Learning Standards and is delivered in a small-school, theme-based environment. To deliver a more dynamic program, the school employs technology to meet the needs of current and future students. A special focus is placed on enhancing student skills in literacy, mathematics, and technology.
Staying Connected
Our team uses Realtime, Class Dojo, and Google Classroom to warehouse and share important information with families. Families can access student attendance and grades by visiting Real Time, receive regular communication from the school and homeroom teacher through class dojo, and access student learning activities through Google Classroom. Click below to stay connected.
Accessing our Core Instructional Resources
Our team utilizes the From Phonics to Reading (Sadlier Publishing) series to support early literacy development. This resource helps us plan lessons that engage students with the application of phonics skills during reading and writing activities each day. In math our team uses the enVisionmath 2.0 (Savass Publishing) to plan standards aligned math instruction that students can access using through print and digital resources. Click below to access our core instructional resources:

Accessing our Digital Tools
Our team also uses a variety of digital tools to support students' academic development. Additionally, the use of digital tools helps to build technology fluency amongst our students. Click below to access our digital tools.