Dine to Donate on Wednesday, 12/13/23 to support Camden Academy's Africa Study Abroad trip! See the flyer for more details!
about 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
Chick Fil A
FREE Flu Vaccine for children up to 18 years old at Katz Dalsey Academy on November 14th! As a reminder, all Pre-K students must receive the flu vaccine as per state regulations. This clinic is open to the community.
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
Save the Date & Register Today! Camden U 'Chat & Chew' on November 15th - Learn about the Education Career fast-track with the Teacher Pathway Program! Register here: https://forms.gle/sbWG19Qaecz8VTaTA
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
Camden U
Camden U
Alumni, Parents, Partners and our School Community is invited to join the Office of Post Secondary Success and Akoben on 11/11/23 for a Restorative Justice Workshop. Please RSVP - https://forms.gle/nn5EBs2bLroZRbyZ7
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
HAUNTED ALLEY DRIVE THRU! Friday, 10/27/23, 4:45 - 8:15pm. Sign up today at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4BADA922A5FDC52-45345592-haunted
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
Haunted Alley
The Office of Post Secondary Success is hosting a Virtual College Registration Workshop, Registration Time, on Tuesday, October 24th, from 3:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m. Please RSVP by 10/22 if you plan to attend! https://forms.gle/Me2XYpyz2T3sGnT57
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
Registration Time
FREE Flu Vaccine for children up to 18 years old at Katz Dalsey Academy on November 14th! As a reminder, all Pre-K students must receive the flu vaccine as per state regulations. This clinic is open to the community.
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
TODAY!!! Join us on today for a virtual “Where to Go & Why” meeting. College campuses have many offices and resources available, but learning where these buildings are and what they provide can be overwhelming as a new college student. This Zoom meeting will be helpful to any new or soon to be college students. Register for “Where to Go & Why” at https://forms.gle/Q135Tr8Qkupz3e6u5
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
Where to go & why
TODAY! Join us on today for a virtual “Where to Go & Why” meeting. College campuses have many offices and resources available, but learning where these buildings are and what they provide can be overwhelming as a new college student. This Zoom meeting will be helpful to any new or soon to be college students. Register for “Where to Go & Why” at https://forms.gle/Q135Tr8Qkupz3e6u5
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
Where to go & Why
Families, Alumni & Partners are invited to join us to learn about using NJCAN and starting their dream career today! Register if you plan to join us tonight at 6:00pm: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1blkyWlzrG1C-9KV0NWYc7SbPhwofayDi77kJ9nNHUaE/viewform?pli=1&pli=1&edit_requested=true
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
intro njcan
intro njcan
Please join us with the Camden County Police Department this Friday, 9/15/23, for our Open Gym event at the Boys and Girls Club for resources, free haircuts and basketball!
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
Open Gym
Open gym
September 13th @ 6pm - Meet our Postsecondary Success Team and learn about resources that are available to our alumni, families and partners including workforce development and upcoming trainings! Visit https://bit.ly/IntroToPSS to RSVP!
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
Intro to PSS
Intro to PSS
Camden's Promise will celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with a luncheon on October 6th! Parents can sign up to drop off a dish at Back to School Night on September 12th.
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
Camden's Promise Hispanic Heritage Luncheon
Promise's Back to School Night is on 9/12 at 6:00pm, see the flyer for more information!
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
Camden's Promise Back to School Night
Our Food Pantry will be on Saturday, August 26th at the PAC from 9:00am - 11:00am text "schoolpantry" (one word) to 46786 to receive further information about preregistration.
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
Food Pantry
Be sure to log into your Parent Portal and complete the Meal Application before the start of the school year!
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
Meal App
SAVE THE DATE - September 13th @ 6pm - Meet our Postsecondary Success Team and learn about resources that are available to our alumni, families and partners including workforce development and upcoming trainings! Visit https://bit.ly/IntroToPSS to RSVP!
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
Intro PS
Intro PS
2023 - 2024 School Calendar - https://5il.co/1yi10
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
Last call to sign up for Camden's Promise Summer Learning Camp! See the flyer for more details. https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfDIhtZ2iKMtAozM8bG4IZiO9ENCW5SnK-r9KaYKrXJR7IZkA/viewform
over 1 year ago, Audrey Jacobson
Get your Camden's Promise Yearbooks! #WeAreCharter #CamdensPromise https://tr5.treering.com/create-account/1016681074941604?PassCode=1016681074941604
almost 2 years ago, Audrey Jacobson
Promise Yearbooks