6th grade trip! Elmwood Park Zoo!

Hanging out with the eagles!

1st 6th grade trip to Elmwood Park & Zoo

First Project Choice for 8th grade

7th Grade Trip

7th Grade Cedar Run trip

Steam class robotics cue.

Steam class

CPCS 8th grade projects

8th grade project selection 2019

PBIS Raffle Winner

HR 811 Great teamwork at camp!

8th Grade at Camp Ockinickon

Our STEAM thinkers helped Ms. Rosenberg become a registered voter!

It’s Book Fair Time

Special thanks to Donors Choose and everyone who donated towards this brand new saxophone. It's beautiful!

Working hard in 6th grade on Respect Agreements! #mrsmarino #science

Happy Graduation Day!! Yesterday, Monday, June 3rd, 2019 was Camden Academy Charter High School’s 15th annual commencement exercise. 🎓👍 Congratulations to all the graduates and families celebrating this awesome achievement! May you always keep learning and growing! #WeAreCharter #WeGoToCollege #WeChangeTheWorld

Many neighbors in the Cramer Hill section of the city enjoy garden fresh produce throughout the summer thanks to the Community Garden created by the students from Camden’s Pride Charter Elementary School. SNJ Today #Camden #Garden Campbell’s NJ Tree Foundation