Camden's Promise Curriculum


The network’s curriculum and supporting resources are aligned to the New Jersey Student Learning Standards. These standards outline what students are expected to learn at each grade level or grade band to ensure a consistent student experience across schools and classrooms. These standards also ensure coherence as students progress from Kindergarten through grade 12. Teachers are provided with standards aligned curriculum resources and digital tools to support the development of rigorous and engaging lessons that align with the expected outcomes for their content and grade level or grade band.

Curriculum Program Overview

Middle School Programming: (Grades 5 - 8)

English Language Arts (ELA): 

  • Students in grades 5-8 engage in a novel-based curriculum in order to learn reading skills and strategies. Students also work on the conventions of standard English, various writing tasks, and speaking and listening skills to be college and career ready. 


  • Students in grades 5-8 engage using the enVisions curriculum to continue to develop an understanding of mathematical practices as well as a conceptual understanding of key ideas. There will be an emphasis on the meaningful use and application of technology for communication, and problem solving. Additionally, students will be provided opportunities to work cooperatively in the problem solving process. 


  • Students in grades 5-8 engage using the Amplify digital curriculum to develop an understanding of Science and Engineering Practices, Disciplinary Core Ideas, and Crosscutting Concepts.

  • Students focus on Engaging, Exploring, Explaining, Elaborating, and Evaluating various ideas in a hands-on, project based, multimodal learning experience.

Social Studies: 

  • Students in grades 5-8 engage in instructional activities designed to develop the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and perspectives needed to become active, informed, and contributing members of local, state, national, and global communities.


  • In addition to the core content areas listed above students in grades 5-8 engage in coursework in the following areas to support college and career readiness: 

    • Health & Physical Education 

    • World Languages 

      • Spanish

    • Visual & Performing Arts 

      • Choir 

      • Music 

      • Band 

      • Art 

    • Technology

      • STEAM 

      • ESPORTS 

      • CODING 

    • Research 

    • Path Finders

Learn more about your middle school student's curriculum: