First Grade and T-1 during our college day rotations!
about 5 years ago, Deanna Casparro
College day fun with Ms. Ribiera and Mrs. Casparro!
First Grade having fun during our college day rotation!
College day fun with Ms. Ribiera and Mrs. Casparro!
First Grade and T-1 during College Day!
Happy New Year! Please be sure and share within your community that our new student application closes on January 14, 2020 with early decisions known on January 15, 2020 at our Lottery Drawing event.
about 5 years ago, Wendy Milanese
Happy New Year! Please be sure and share within your community that our new student application closes on January 14, 2020 with early decisions known on January 15, 2020 at our Lottery Drawing event.
Happy Pawlidays from KATZ!
about 5 years ago, Kelly McKeever
Happy Pawlidays from KATZ!
T-1’s Science class makes Oreo phases of the moon! 🌝
about 5 years ago, Ms. DiVello
Oreo phases of the moon!
Oreo phases of the moon!
Oreo phases of the moon!
Reading levels are rising in a fun and creative way at Rosedale!!! 📚
about 5 years ago, Ms. DiVello
Reading levels are rising at Rosedale!!!
Making back scratchers for The Big Smelly Bear!!
over 5 years ago, Kathleen Burke
Happy Halloween from 4-3
over 5 years ago, Kelly Bradley
Happy Halloween!
Second grade “school supplies”
over 5 years ago, Amanda Steiner
2nd grade teachers
Happy Halloween from 2-4
over 5 years ago, Amanda Steiner
Happy Halloween from 1-5! 🎃
over 5 years ago, Elizabeth Alberto
Such great costumes!!
Silly picture! 😜
Miss Alberto’s first grade made pumpkins!! We had a lot of fun creating our paper bag pumpkins! 🎃
over 5 years ago, Elizabeth Alberto
Painting our pumpkins
Painting our pumpkins!
1-5’s pumpkin patch!!!
Painting our pumpkins!
Halloween Fun!
over 5 years ago, Deanna Casparro
Explored and carved our class pumpkin today!
Happy Halloween 🎃 ♥️1-3
Ms. Whomsely & Mrs. Casparro classes enjoyed exploring and carving pumpkins today!!
over 5 years ago, Kathleen Burke
Ms. Leonelli and Ms. Peischl are at the Philadelphia Museum of Art
over 5 years ago, Loretta Peischl
Philadelphia  Museum of Art
Ms. Whomsely & Mrs. Casparro classes enjoyed exploring and carving pumpkins today!!
over 5 years ago, Kathleen Burke
Happy Halloween!
over 5 years ago, Meghan Doughty
Happy Halloween from 4-2!
Special teachers are superheroes!
over 5 years ago, Kathleen Burke
Special Teachers
Kindergarten loved the firetrucks yesterday!
over 5 years ago, Kathleen Burke
In Science class today, T-1 used the Stem process to work together to create Spaghetti marshmallow towers!!
over 5 years ago, Lea Divello
Working hard to build a solid foundation.
So proud of their work!
Trying to figure out the “improvement” part of the stem process.
The WINNING spaghetti tower!! :)
Mr. Farmer was a guess reader in 2-4 today!
over 5 years ago, Amanda Steiner
Reading “A Fine, Fine School” to 2-4